Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ich in Discus Fish
As much as we like to free our discus fish from suffering any ailment caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, there would come a time...

Basic Discus Fish Care Tips You Should Know About
Keeping discus fish in an aquarium is more than just achieving an aesthetic purpose. They are, of course, some of the most beautiful...

Discus Fish Problem: Fish Fungus
Regardless of how tedious you are when it comes to maintaining aquarium, disease causing bacteria and fungus can still seep their way...

More Perfect Tank Mate Choices for Your Discus Fish
Discus fish are highly sociable animals. Naturally, they thrive in schools. It’s hard for them to survive when they are alone. This is...

How to Safely Transport Tanked Discus Fish from One Place to the Another?
Keeping discus fish isn’t just all about cleaning, feeding, or breeding. From time to time, moving the fish from one place to another...

A Crash Course History Lesson About Discus Fish
Swimming with utmost grace and beauty, the discus fish are arguably one of the most interesting and beautiful species of tropical fish....

Wild and Domesticated Discus Fish: Is It OK to Mix Them?
There are now two commonly known types of discus fish: the wild and domestic. Typically, these two have different requirements when it...

The Perfect Tank Mate Choices for Your Discus Fish
Like man, discus fish are the kind of tropical fish that naturally yearn for company and are not meant to exist alone. Tank mates do have...

Stunted Discus Fish: Causes, Symptoms, and Cure
There’s no easy way to say this but keeping discus fish is not easy especially if you’re considering their natural rate of growth and metabo

Discus Fish Tank Water Changes
In this article, we will explore the ways on how to effectively clean your water tank as well as keep it in its optimal state for your discu