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The Perfect Tank Mate Choices for Your Discus Fish

The Perfect Tank Mate Choices for Your Discus Fish

Like man, discus fish are the kind of tropical fish that naturally yearn for company and are not meant to exist alone. Tank mates do have an essential part in the overall well-being of your discus fish. Choosing the right one ensures that your beloved discus gets to mingle with non-aggressive fish types.

You may not know it but discus fish display meek behaviour such that they are quite slow when moving. This is why, when choosing the right tank mates you want to make sure that they are of even keel with the discus so that they won’t be a competition when it comes to food.

So what are the perfect discus tank mates you can buy from your pet fish dealer? Here are some that you might want to consider:

  1. Angelfish – most discus fish keepers would readily point to angelfish as one of the best tank mates for discus. Aside from their non-aggressive behaviour, angelfishes can be very useful when it comes to eliminating the ticks housing in your discus’ body. Be wary though, as angelfishes can also be territorial especially when they are spawning. During this time, they can get so overprotective of their fries that approaching them may solicit hostile responses like chasing around the tank.

  2. Tetras – if ticks are not a problem in your discus, then you may want to try putting some tetras. They are the most commonly recommended tank mates for discus. They come in different types which include; neon tetras, cardinal tetras, blood eye, and penguin. Relative to their size and when compared to discus, tetras tend to be slow moving schooling fish.

  3. Plecos – yet another common tank mate for your discus fish are the plecos. They often just go around the aquarium eating algae or unconsumed food settling at the bottom of the tank. This alone makes them also your perfect partner in maintaining the cleanliness of your water fish tank. However, you need to watch out when they mature. Big-sized plecos can be annoying at times as they tend to suck and stick up on the plain side of the discus fish. Needless to say, this situation can be very problematic since they are also infamous for their strong suction.

  4. Cory Cats – come in different colors and patterns. They can be fun to look at especially when in a considerable number. This is why, most people find cory cats quite interesting to keep alongside discus fish. Like the plecos, these aquarium fish prefer to hang around at the bottom of the tank, trying to salvage on uneaten food. They also get along well with discus thus, they can be a great addition to your discus fish tank.

  5. Stingrays – quite unconventional for some but these water creatures are among the most recommended tank mates for discus fish. Due to their enormous growth capacity, keepers may opt to add on a few numbers of them at time. This makes your aquarium seem homogenous of only discus fish. They stay at the bottom of the tank and do not interfere whatsoever in the activities of your discus fish.

While there are still other tropical fish options that you can add as tank mates for your discus, the above mentioned are the ones most commonly recommended. You shouldn’t have any problem co-habiting them with your discus. For more information on what other fish types you can put in, contact your nearest tropical fish store expert.

Visit Uncle Sam's Discus to see a wide range of available discus fish online, click this link.

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