How to Safely Transport Tanked Discus Fish from One Place to the Another?
Keeping discus fish isn’t just all about cleaning, feeding, or breeding. From time to time, moving the fish from one place to another will be needed. Whether it involves moving them to short or to a great distance, handling with utmost care must be the priority. Needless to say fish, especially that of the discus species, are very delicate and sensitive even to the slightest stress. If handled carelessly during transportation, there’s a great possibility that they will die.

If you are one of those owners who are opting to transfer his fish to another place, then this article is for you. Grab some pen and paper because we are going to lay out the four phases you need to keep in mind when transporting tanked discus fish.
First Phase
This phase generally tackles on making the fish ready before taking the journey. These are the factors to consider:
a. Transport Plan – just like taking a vacation, you need to plan ahead on how to transfer those swimming little creatures. Consider what transport mode they are taking, the route, the distance, the weather, and the general condition. Note that discus fish can only withstand travelling at two days max.
b. Water Change – Replace the water in the tank a few days before moving day. This is to make sure the water in the aquarium stays clean.
c. Feeding – DON’T feed the discus fish 1 to 2 days to the moving day. The purpose is for them not to mess up the water during the trip. Not to worry though, discus fish can survive a week without food.
Second Phase
This part involves the container to which the fish will be placed.
a. If possible, put each discus fish in its own plastic bag container.
b. When using buckets, make sure the container is new and free of any harmful chemicals. You should also be able to put covers on them.
c. Transport water plants separately from the fish.
d. It’s worth pointing out that if your aquarium is small, then it’s ok to bring the whole setup as it is.
Third Phase
We have now come to the moving part itself. These are the steps to follow:
1. Using the water from the top of the aquarium, fill each containers to be used for transporting the fish.
2. Place the fish gently.
3. For the meantime, keep the containers in a dark place.
4. Upon reaching the destination, introduce the fish to the tank.
Fourth Phase
When caring for the fish in their new habitat, these are the steps to follow:
a. Empty the new fish tank.
b. Use the water to fill that is taken from the top of the old aquarium.
c. Proceed to adorning the tank.
d. Filters to be used must be clean. As well, sanitize when using the old filters.
e. Assemble the new tank as further desired.
As you can see, transporting discus fish from one place to another is doable. Just make sure to follow the steps and keep in mind the factors discussed above.
Visit Uncle Sam's Discus to see a wide range of available discus fish online, click this link.