Discus Fish Tank Water Changes

We always emphasize the importance of having clean water in an aquarium tank as it is one of the major keys in a successful discus fish care. Frequently changed and clean water tank does wonders to the health of your tropical fish friends.
In this article, we will explore the ways on how to effectively clean your water tank as well as keep it in its optimal state for your discus fish to thrive on. The good thing is, this can be done without the need of using fancy water filtration equipment like reverse osmosis filters.
Frequent Water Changes Does Wonders
To frequently change the water in your aquarium system is to ensure the optimal health and growth rate of discus fish. Experiments have been done by experts wherein the water in one tank is changed several times in a day. In the other tank, the water is only changed once. The findings see the discus in the tank where water was changed multiple times to have grown much faster as compared to the fish in the other tank.
As we all know, discus fish tend to produce waste substances that when unattended to, can be detrimental to their health. By doing frequent water changes, these impurities are removed, if not, lessened in quantity.
The Best Time To Do Discus Water Changes
As well as how often you do it, it is also essential for discus owners to know about the timing of the water change. Like our furry household pets, discus are the type of creatures that accustom themselves to their handler’s patterns. Maintaining a steady pattern means your discus will also look forward to it and thus they will be prepared for the water change to be done. However, if you have an erratic changing pattern, your water dweller friends may become wary and at times nervous during water changes. Needless to say, this can affect their well-being.
Basically, you can do water changes at any time of the day. Just remember to keep track on the schedule and stick to it.
The Amount of Water To Change
The conventional method observed among breeders and keepers is to change the discus water 100%. But they do it only once or twice a week. Others may opt to replacing 25% of the content but they do it thrice a week. Still, there are those who do 50% water change twice a week.
For us, there’s no need to follow a single set of regimen. It’s you who knows the size and capacity of your discus fish water tank so then it’s only you who can decide how much water to change. Just make sure you’d be able to remove the toxins, impurities, and waste present in the water.
The Equipment to Use
Sometimes it’s easier for us to go for an expensive solution of buying and installing extensive water filtration systems into our tank. However, there are cost-effective ways to do it such as using no spill drain and refill systems. They can be found in most pet shops or it can be ordered online. If not available, manual draining and changing can be done with the use of buckets.
In conclusion, discus fish aquariums need frequent water changes than most water tank fish. For this reason it is best for you and your pets that you observe proper discus fish care and maintenance.
Visit Uncle Sam's Discus to see a wide range of available discus fish online, click this link.