5 Essential Tips Before You Buy Discus Fish - TIP #4 IS A GAME CHANGER

So you finally prepared your ideal tank setup, memorized by heart the important things to look for on how to buy discus fish (see our May 2017 entries) and substantially saved enough to begin your much awaited discus startup. But there is more to know than just scrutinizing the fish before your foremost purchase.
Tip#1. Get 6-8 Discus on your first purchase.
Discus are highly social creatures, meaning that they are predominantly inclined to enjoy the company of others, and are marked by relations or companionship. Buying too little could result to bullying or buying too many may lead to overcrowding which either way could degrade overall aquarium health. The ideal number will also increase the chance of breeding and lessen the chance of discus dying. We recommend that you start with a healthy party.
Tip#2. Buy medium sized, juvenile discus about 12-16 weeks old.
Another aspect worth noticing is discus age. Fact of the matter to ask is what age is best to start with. Discus that are too young (fry) have major disadvantages. First, they are more susceptible to diseases, and secondly, bigger fish may bully or prey upon the younglings. On the other hand, the older population may have difficulty in acclimatizing to a new environment well.
Tip#3. Don't be afraid to ask your source for information
With any sale, anxiety will always contribute as a deciding factor especially when a few extra dollars is involved. The web will mostly provide you with necessary information to quell the doubt that linger on your mind. Nothing beats firsthand knowledge.
Tip#4. Acquire from the same source or breeder.
The next tip we have is also quintessential in discus startup. You may have the urge to mix and match discus of different varieties and sub-species coming from different sources offering unlike price ranges just to suit your needs. While generally social, mixing discus breeds cordially give rise to incompatibility with the aquarium setup and promote the spread of disease that may result in the demise of the entire population. Different breeders entail different breeding conditions. However, if you are trying out new discus from another source, make sure to properly quarantine the discus fish before placing them into your tank.
Tip#5. Purchase from trusted sources
Fish keeping comes at a price but with greater rewards, so you want to make sure to get the most of your spendings. On your initial buy, an unsettling pressure will creep into your head as to where or to whom you will entrust your hard earned money. A decent amount of research on reputable sources will surely come a long way.
With these tips, we are hopeful for the great success on your startup with discus fish care. May we boldy dare say that here in Uncle Sam's Discus, being grand champion in Aquasinga 2016, take pride in trustworthy products and professional service that we guarantee will address your concerns on everything about discus.