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How Many Discus Can I Keep In A Tank Together?

When it comes to keeping discus fish beginners would often inquire about the acceptable or doable number of discus that they can keep in an aquarium together. Even among long-time discus hobbyists, this dilemma has been plaguing the minds as to how much you can pack in a single tank.

Searching online, one can stumble upon a lot of responses. Most often, they are of conflicting nature. One “expert” would say this specific quantity, while the others are indicating to a whole new different figure.

As long-time discus breeders in California, we dare say that there isn’t a definitive number as to how many discus you can keep in a single tank together. This is because there are a lot of important factors worth considering before we can even pinpoint a specific figure.

However, in this article, we will try to divulge these factors which would involve in determining the number of discus we can fit in together.

The 1 per 10 Gallon Rule

The rule of thumb being followed by most discus fish care experts is “1 discus for every 10 gallon of water.” This doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone. Take for instance, you have a hundred gallon tank. Therefore, you would only need 10 full size discus for that. Opinions may vary but for us, a tank that huge with only that number of fish kind of look empty, unless of course you intend to put a lot of plants and decorations. Otherwise, our opinion still stands: it looks barren and empty.

Number Relative to Tank Size

In relation to the above factor, the tank’s size does influence the decision as to how many you can put in one aquarium. Common sense dictates that the bigger the receptacle, the more discus you may need to populate the space. Of course, you must also keep in mind other accessories like the water plants and decoration. They too eat up space.

Regarding Filtration

For us, this is one of the most important benchmarks in determining how much you put in a tank. Take note that the health of the discus greatly depends on the water condition they are in. These kinds of tropical fish for sale require very clean water. To achieve this, you need a trusty water filtration to do the trick. The more filtration systems you have in a tank, the better. Always remember, each discus puts in waste. More fish, more waste. Therefore, the number you want to keep in one enclosure should be in respect to the number of filtration or its capacity.

Regarding the Other Species

If you plan on keeping discus fish with other tropical favourites, then there’s a lot to consider again. You might want to ask yourself if discus is your priority or those of the other kinds. If it’s the former, then think as to how the other fish can affect the living condition of your discus.

Conclusion: So, How Many Discus Should I Put in 1 Tank?

At this point, we still don’t have a definite answer. But for us, we allow at most 7 gallons of water for every discus fish. Keeping discus fish means you need to find them enough room to swim, grow, and even breed, for them to be happy and contented. Focus on these matters and just let the other aspects like accessories or other species follow second. Also, be sure the water quality of the tank is at its optimum despite the number of discus you put into it.

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